Joe (500 x 282 px)

If you’re like me you’ve probably heard of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. You thought that’s really nice, she’s helping under privileged kids from where she grew up to learn to read by giving away some free books.  Sound about right?

Well I challenge you to guess (no reading ahead) how many books Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library gives away?  I’ll give you a little hint, when the Imagination Library began in 1995 they gave away roughly 1,700 books.

Whenever someone asks me a question like this, I know that whatever I’m thinking it’s probably way too low.  Now it has been 25 years since they started and they have probably grown since then.  Thinking maybe they’ve grown in size what 5 times? 10 times? maybe 20 times? How about 50 times?  Wow growing 50 times in size means donating 85,000 books. That sounds like a really big number but the way the question is asked, I’m not sure.  So let’s double it and guess the Imagination Library has grown 100 times in size and is now giving away 170,000 books.  Well, if they gave away that many books, shouldn’t I have heard more about them?  So, maybe it’s too high a number but what the heck lets go with it anyway, 170,000 books, final answer. 

Now that we’ve reached a final answer be prepared to be blown away.  Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has grown to international status and is currently giving away 1 million books. If that’s not shocking enough it’s one million books a month.  Yes you read that right, they are giving away a million books a month.

How is it possible that they are giving away 12 million books a year and aside from the people involved in the program almost nobody knows about this amazing endeavor.  The answer is simple, Dolly Parton has always been one of the few superstars that has not been tainted by the need to be in the spotlight for everything she does.  Being raised with good moral values means you do things because they are the right thing to do.  You work hard to make your passions come true.  You don’t worry about praise or who knows what you are doing.  They say some of the best deeds are done when no one is looking. That’s a trait I wish more people would aspire to.

If we were to ask your Dad, “What is the best thing you have ever done?”  Most of us will never know because it’s a question that is rarely asked.  Well before passing away, it is rumored that Dolly Parton’s father said, “The Imagination Library was probably the most important thing she ever did.” 

In Dolly Parton’s eyes, her father was the smartest person she knew but believed he never reached his full potential because of his inability to read.  Maybe now you have a small glimpse of the driving force behind Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.  Inspiring children to read is not just some charity’s goal but a true passion of Dolly Parton. 

Let’s dive into what exactly is Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library doing?  A very broad overview is that you register your child (under 5 years old) and they can be registered as early as birth.  Once registered a high quality age appropriate book is sent to your home, addressed to your child, every month and is at no cost to the family regardless of their income.  Bottom line is that your child could start school with their own library of nearly 60 books. 

Obviously this is a huge undertaking and could not be accomplished without a tremendous network of people who share Dolly Parton’s dream of putting books into the hands of young children.  If you would like to be part of this incredible mission to inspire children to read then sign up to be a local champion.  If there is not one in your neck of the woods then start one.  You must contact the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to get all the official details. 

From what I’ve learned and trust me it’s very basic, the sound of starting your own affiliate partnership seems way harder than it really is.  Once you set up your 501(c)3, the non-profit status, the main tasks are promoting the program, registering the eligible children in your area and fundraising.  It’s the fundraising part that always scares off most people, myself included.  But from what I saw on their website, its $2.10 per child per month.  That covers the cost of the quality age appropriate book and the mailing cost.  To make the math easy let say its $2.50 per month per child, that’s $30 a year.  So not only is this an amazing thing to do for the children in your area, its actually affordable.  Most people would consider $30 a year to inspire a child to read money well spent.

In fact the National Commission on Reading says “The single most significant factor influencing a child’s early educational success is an introduction to books and being read to at home prior to beginning school.”

So whether you just want to learn more about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library or want to sign up a child or become an affiliate partner check out their website:

Here at “A to Zoo we agree with that philosophy and are very passionate about inspiring young people to read.  While I read to young elementary children, it’s really something when you are the one that sparks the joy of reading in a young child. No matter how many times I experience it, it’s always special.

Everyone in the Dollywood Foundation and those connected to the Imagination Library and especially Dolly Parton should feel blessed for the amazing thing they are doing for the children of the world.

I want to personally thank everyone who helps a child learn to read.

Let me leave you with the final words I tell all the children I read to:

“The More you Read, the More you Succeed”